Saturday, November 2, 2019

Aristotle view on Antigone Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Aristotle view on Antigone - Essay Example Creon utilizes the privileges and power bestowed on a king to the fullest by imposing his wishes. His power is not questionable as he is in command of both the elders and the sentries. His subjects respect him and his decisions. As a result of the power that the king enjoys in the play, he is pivotal in developing of the plot. He is the piece that puts all the other pieces together. All the characters in the story directly relates to him in one way or the other. For instance, his relationship with Antigone arises when she chooses to go against his wish to punish her brother, Polyneices. Instead, she chooses to bury him also lets everyone know about it. The disobedience and punishment the king gives her help create the inventive moment of the play. He is also the focal point in the climax of the story when the king’s punishment to Antigone is questioned as well his suitability to lead Thebes. At this stage, of the play conflict arises between Creon and his son, Haemon because o f the punishment on Antigone and her sister, Ismene. The king is also the focal point at the end of the play as he loses his wife and son to suicides all as a result of his actions at the beginning of the story. Another important condition that the protagonist should fulfill to qualify as a tragedy is to be subject of unmerited misfortune. ... The unawareness is evident from his decision to free Antigone when the prophet informs him of the consequences of his actions. Creon’s decision to punish Polyneices’ actions by having his body abandoned in the battlefields brings rage to Antigone. In her dialogue with her sister, she claims that the king fails to show respect to the dead who have more power than any living soul. It is this rage that leads her to bury her brother. The king also responds with equal proportion of rage feeling disobeyed and chooses to punish her with death. Every action the king takes leads to situation degenerating further. His actions are responsible for the death of Antigone, his son and wife. The play creates fear in two ways. First, there is the fear of the king because of the powers he has at his disposal. The discovery that the king has the power to have his servants bury a person while alive creates fear within the audience. The fact that the victim in this case is Antigone, the for mer king’s daughter helps worsen the fear. In the audience’s view, it can happen to anyone among them if it can happen to Antigone. The other cause of fear is the tragedy that befell the king. From the tragedy, the audience understands that every action they undertake has consequences. The fact that the king’s actions haunt him at the end of the play despite his power and authority only helps worsen the fear in the audience. From the tragedy, several conclusions can be made on the Greek’s way of life. First, the Greeks respected their rulers and their word was as strong as any law in their territories. Also, any disrespect towards the king was met with the harshest punishment that the king chose. The king also had the power to

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